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    1. dantheman

      Limits to a Member's WTS Ads?

      He asked the question . I answered .
    2. dantheman

      Limits to a Member's WTS Ads?

      I prefer that you let people make up their own mind about pricing their item .
    3. dantheman

      Georgia High School Shooting 4 Sept 2024

      Well that ain't good ....
    4. dantheman

      Things to Avoid Saying in a Gun Store.

      I worked with him for many years . Knew him well . He didn't mean anything by it . Just honest to a fault as they say .
    5. dantheman

      Limits to a Member's WTS Ads?

      Why is this " your wish " ?
    6. dantheman

      Record Firearm Buybacks.

      Never heard of a payout that high . but good for you . It's usually 25-50 bucks and they run out of donated funds quickly . Then the TV stations video the sponsors and everybody claims a victory over " gun violence " .
    7. dantheman

      Record Firearm Buybacks.

      200-300 ? Good luck with that . More like a $25 gas card and a coupon for a free order of fries at McDonald's .
    8. dantheman

      Georgia High School Shooting 4 Sept 2024

      What do we know about the shooter ? I realize it's a minor so they aren't saying much .
    9. dantheman

      The Gov. is on a roll… keep it up Gov. Jeff Landry

      I'm starting to get a little disappointed with Landry . This last deal with wanting to bring Mike the Tiger back to the stadium for games again is stupid . I'm glad the Vet School guy is saying NO . Focus on the important stuff and stop looking for feel good headlines .
    10. dantheman

      Second Amendment Tax Holiday info .,ends%20at%20midnight%20on%20Sunday%2C%20September%208%2C%202024.
    11. dantheman

      If you had a choice of only 2 guns to own in a SHTF scenario, what would they be?

      The higher they fly , the less effective /accurate they are . I think there are ways to neutralize the drone issue .
    12. dantheman

      What say you

      I vote Bear .
    13. dantheman

      Things to Avoid Saying in a Gun Store.

      I stopped at a gun shop in Lafayette with a co worker . He wanted a Browning BDM . Spent a lot of time with sales guy . Finally he handed it back to the guy and said " Thanks , I can order it cheaper " . :eek5:
    14. dantheman

      Limits to a Member's WTS Ads?

      You do you , and I'll continue to do what I have been doing until the rules change .
    15. dantheman

      Limits to a Member's WTS Ads?

      The seller may be willing to take less just to move it . That doesn't mean he's playing games . Have you ever bought a new car ? Ever bought a house ? Did you ever sell a car or a house ? Did you negotiate ?
    16. dantheman

      Limits to a Member's WTS Ads?

      OR , somebody might see an item that's been listed for a while and think that the seller may be willing to consider a lower offer .
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