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    1. Aurellevi

      Ak parts kits

      I'd have to disagree with your "aks be dead bruh" statement... We have more USA manufactured aks than ever before. On top of that, the ak building community has access to more tool vendors, better quality tools, along with us and foreign produced kits. I may be missing g something here, but...
    2. Aurellevi

      Anyone what AK this is?

    3. Aurellevi

      NEW BAYOUSHOOTER SNOW FLAKES, melting fast lol

      That's exactly it... ghosted. The bizarre part is that this individual seemed fairly solid. Moving on.
    4. Aurellevi

      RELIABLE Semi auto in 308 - suppressed... please report

      Okay, sass are out of the question Okay, sass prices have gone up quite a bit. That and the Armalite pattern mags would add to overall investment. Thanks for the specification.
    5. Aurellevi

      NEW BAYOUSHOOTER SNOW FLAKES, melting fast lol

      Do we have a current list of the "new bayoushooter snowflakes", or more plainly put, members that make a deal and flake?
    6. Aurellevi

      RELIABLE Semi auto in 308 - suppressed... please report

      The Armalite AR-10T sass/super sass was made for that. Factory produced with adjustable gas system, gas buster charging handle, maybe something else I'm forgetting. Bit heavy but very accurate with or without can. Trading it off is one of few regrets.
    7. Aurellevi

      I can't believe none of you guys beat me too it.

      JBE out IS the party
    8. Aurellevi

      When to leave negative feedback….

      Agreed. I'll leave feedback after a transaction occurs. If someone tells me they can't make it and then goes dark, that's their right. He bailed, his action speaks for itself. That alone is enough for me to decide I'm moving on to the next. If it's a no call no show situation, I chuck it up to...
    9. Aurellevi

      What’s the worst gun you’ve owned/ own?

      First 2 handguns were pretty bad. Hi-Point JHP-45 would discharge once before malfunction. Jimenez 9, don't recall the model, didnt last 100 rounds. A chunk at the rear of the slide broke off during that first use. Got what I payed for!
    10. Aurellevi

      Has this club died a slow death?

      Do you do factory style markings for ak builds? For example -
    11. Aurellevi

      Rant about trade offer!

      I'll agree it's somewhat frustrating, and will also say that it reminds me of my teen years attitude when i didnt get my way... "I'll show you, I just won't talk to you anymore!". However, in this instance there wasn't yet any agreement to purchase. More or less a "hey I want that at your price...
    12. Aurellevi

      Rant about trade offer!

      I had this happen yesterday. Guy contacts me says he's off work and wants the item. Went out of my way to have it brought to me so that I can accommodate his time frame. Then nothing... you say this warrants a negative review?
    13. Aurellevi

      NLFS: Close

    14. Aurellevi

      Respect to all law enforcement officers dealing with crazy people on a daily basis

      The old adage "Dont bring a knife(hatchet) to a gun fight" could apply here. He was ready for that.
    15. Aurellevi

      CZ 457 22lr or Ruger American Target 22lr

      Bowie Outfitters in Baton Rouge had some a couple weeks ago.
    16. Aurellevi

      WTS: Price drop - Glock 42 magazines, holster.

      FTF in Walker/Denham - WTS or trade the following: (4) Factory Glock 42 magazines -3 with flush baseplate -1 with pinky extension. All like new - $25 ea. DROP $20 ea. (1) Q-Series G42 IWB holster like new. $25 ea. DROP $20 OR Take all $100 Please PM if interested. Thanks
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