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  • thperez1972

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    Dec 28, 2015
    Baton Rouge, LA
    My friend, the drug trade thrives on poverty stricken individuals, those that have not much to lose. If there were safer, higher paying jobs locally, they would not be so easily recruited.

    The general narrative is that most of these migrants are coming here to fill the jobs that "Americans don't want", which are mostly low paying, high labor jobs. Now, I know this isn't particularly true, because I've worked in construction my whole adult life, I have experienced the influx of Hispanic workers over the past 15-20 years. You don't move out of country, leaving your family behind in most cases, if you are doing good already.
    This whole topic is a huge rabbit hole, and we could go on for days about the who and the why.

    That said, there's always a narrative, and then there's reality. With something like this, that has been at play for so long, it can sometimes be hard to see the bigger picture. These moves don't happen over night, and there are a lot of moving pieces.

    I wonder why the cartels like her so much vs the other dozens that they killed off? I wonder if that has anything to do with big money, big promises, maybe some past history with the money men?

    The drug trade thrives on the United States. There's money to be made because the war on drugs drives the prices up.

    Lowering poverty levels does not eliminate poverty. Instead it simply lowers poverty levels.

    Maybe they do like her because of secret agreements. Unless those agreements depend on her being jewish, then her being jewish is just a coincidence. Just because 2 things exist does not mean one of them caused the other one.

    We can agree to disagree. I doubt I'll change your mind. And none of the unsubstantiated rhetoric you've attached to your posts sure haven't made a dent in my thinking.


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    Feb 22, 2012
    Walker, La
    Candace Owens has peeked behind the curtain, and what is seen, cannot be unseen.

    She can't stop, and I can't blame her. Once you see how history has been manipulated and twisted to fit the narrative that benefits a certain group of people, it can be a bit overwhelming; a bit infuriating.



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    Feb 22, 2012
    Walker, La
    US Intel agencies run social media. This may already be known, or at least speculated by many, but here are some interesting tie-ins.

    DARPA LifeLog was *supposedly* ended in January 2004, due to it being too invasive to privacy. The very next month, Facebook was founded.



    Also, let's not forget how, just recently, Elon Musk handed over access to all user data, including biometric data, to Israeli intelligence.
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