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    Feb 22, 2012
    Walker, La
    Time for another round of, "we tried to tell you", covid edition.

    People said we were crazy for suggesting that prominent individuals, such as world leaders, ect, who went on live tv to get their clot shot, were actually likely getting saline injections, or faking it altogether.

    "Trump didn't know, he was just doing what he thought was best, or what his advisors were telling him"... Yeah... Ok buddy....

    Well, we tried to tell you.


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    Aug 30, 2016
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    Mar 7, 2024 | ALTERNATIVE NEWS



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    Feb 22, 2012
    Walker, La
    People who defend the moon landing will get defensive in the exact same manner as those who defended covid, "people who think the moon landing is fake are just retards who lack the brain capacity and education required to understand the science!"... While they totally disregard the mountain of logical evidence to the contrary, all while those running the show continue to just rub sh!t in all our faces.



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    Feb 22, 2012
    Walker, La
    The earth is flat.
    While we may not have a mountain of logical evidence that points to the earth being flat, which in my opinion is just a distraction, we do have a Mt Everest worth of evidence that says the landings were as fake as Hellen Keller flying an airplane.

    There's a fancy term that Perez used recently, to describe what you did there, but I'm too uneducated to use it myself.


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    Feb 15, 2021
    Covington, Louisiana
    Honestly, I was rather looking forward to you explaining how something that is laughably fake, is in fact not fake at all.
    There is absolutely no way I am going down the flat earth/moon landing/9-11 inside job argument theories with you here. They are all circular with the tin foil hat crews.


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    Dec 28, 2015
    Baton Rouge, LA
    Well, if that isn't a statistical coincidence, I don't know what is.

    As I understand it, the outgoing president was pretty popular because some of his policies brought a number of families out of poverty. She is in the same party as he is. Which seems more plausible:
    1. She won because she is jewish and she just happens to be in the same party as the popular outgoing president.
    2. She won because she is in the same party as the popular outgoing president and just happens to be jewish.


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    Feb 22, 2012
    Walker, La
    As I understand it, the outgoing president was pretty popular because some of his policies brought a number of families out of poverty. She is in the same party as he is. Which seems more plausible:
    1. She won because she is jewish and she just happens to be in the same party as the popular outgoing president.
    2. She won because she is in the same party as the popular outgoing president and just happens to be jewish.
    All I'm saying is, statistically speaking, she is a bit of an anomaly, as well as all the small hats in seats of power within our own government, financial institutions, educational institutions, and media.

    Also, if the former president was so successful at lowering poverty levels, why are we seeing such an influx of immigrants coming to this country from that region, with claims of being here to better themselves, mostly financially, or to get away from all the crime, which is generally caused by poverty?


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    Feb 22, 2012
    Walker, La
    As I understand it, the outgoing president was pretty popular because some of his policies brought a number of families out of poverty. She is in the same party as he is. Which seems more plausible:
    1. She won because she is jewish and she just happens to be in the same party as the popular outgoing president.
    2. She won because she is in the same party as the popular outgoing president and just happens to be jewish.
    Official narrative vs pure coincidental statistics vs logical observations



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    Dec 28, 2015
    Baton Rouge, LA
    All I'm saying is, statistically speaking, she is a bit of an anomaly, as well as all the small hats in seats of power within our own government, financial institutions, educational institutions, and media.

    Also, if the former president was so successful at lowering poverty levels, why are we seeing such an influx of immigrants coming to this country from that region, with claims of being here to better themselves, mostly financially, or to get away from all the crime, which is generally caused by poverty?

    "Lowering poverty levels" and "being here to better themselves, mostly financially, or to get away from all the crime" are not mutually exclusive. Both can occur. It's possible for me to both get a raise and to want a better paying job at the same time. And the majority of the crime is not linked to poverty but rather to the drug trade.


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    Feb 22, 2012
    Walker, La
    "Lowering poverty levels" and "being here to better themselves, mostly financially, or to get away from all the crime" are not mutually exclusive. Both can occur. It's possible for me to both get a raise and to want a better paying job at the same time. And the majority of the crime is not linked to poverty but rather to the drug trade.

    My friend, the drug trade thrives on poverty stricken individuals, those that have not much to lose. If there were safer, higher paying jobs locally, they would not be so easily recruited.

    The general narrative is that most of these migrants are coming here to fill the jobs that "Americans don't want", which are mostly low paying, high labor jobs. Now, I know this isn't particularly true, because I've worked in construction my whole adult life, I have experienced the influx of Hispanic workers over the past 15-20 years. You don't move out of country, leaving your family behind in most cases, if you are doing good already.
    This whole topic is a huge rabbit hole, and we could go on for days about the who and the why.

    That said, there's always a narrative, and then there's reality. With something like this, that has been at play for so long, it can sometimes be hard to see the bigger picture. These moves don't happen over night, and there are a lot of moving pieces.

    I wonder why the cartels like her so much vs the other dozens that they killed off? I wonder if that has anything to do with big money, big promises, maybe some past history with the money men?

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